Thursday, January 31, 2008

Punished for being successful...


I just finished our 2007 taxes and this is going to be a bit of a rant.

I'm kinda frustrated. Sherri and I are very fortunate to do well financially, I got lucky and got a job that provides great for us. As a young couple we are very blessed!!

However, I feel like we are penalized because we are young, successful and have no kids. We had to pay this year, granted it wasn't a crazy amount, but never the less, we had to pay. We paid more in taxes this year then some people make in an entire year. Yet somehow, we still owe. We have it set up to take the max out of each check, and we still owe. Blah.

If we had kids we would have gotten a hefty refund, I'm not saying that people with kids shouldn't get a refund, but why penalize people who don't have children and do well??

This is why I think the FairTax IS a great idea!!!

Just my thought.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to NFL. Cecilia and I know exactly how you feel. We owe every year, last year was around 6 grand if I remember correctly, and yes, we max out on our paycheck deductions. After all of that you would THINK we could participate in this 'rebate' everyone is getting....nope! So apparently Uncle Sam thinks I am wealthy...have they seen my checking account? Ron

Anonymous said...

great blog!