Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Great Message...

This past weekend at ChangePoint we started a new series called: "Stop. Breathe. Listen." and it deals with our need as humans to not constantly go, go, go. In a world that seems over-busy all of the time we rarely take time to rest. We have become a society that is so focused on success and schedules that we have forgotten to live balanced lives.

This is a 6 week series that will focus on topics such as Sabbath, Meditation, Fasting, Confession, Silence, Simplicity and Solitude.

The message this past weekend was on Sabbath and it was the best teaching on this topic that I have ever heard and it really challenged Sherri and I as to how we spend our time, especially regarding a Sabbath day. We were both challenged that we have not really had a correct understanding as to what a Sabbath really should be.

You can listen to the message by clicking here. It is the message from August 1st/2nd.

Hopefully we can all remember to get off of the highway of life and enjoy a back road every now and then.


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